Thursday, February 28, 2013

snowmageddon shopping spree?

This snow storm has made me spend money. Ending my sorrows with hopes of Spring. I've bought grow plugs to start seeds, hydroponic nutrients, LOTS of new seeds, Easter outfits for the kids have been ordered, and I just bought 4 books and 1 kids yoga DVD. Everything is going great with the house. Inspections will be finished today/tomorrow for HVAC and framing. Plumbing and electric inspections are complete. Monday insulation will get started and drywall will be able to get in a day or two later. It will REALLY look like a house then! :D

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

snow day, take 4

Today is Gabi's 4th "school called" snow day in a row! Of the last 12 days, she's only been to school 1 1/2 due to conferences and President's Day. That's like a second Christmas vacation, only better because we actually have snow. I think it is mostly moved out of the area now, and I reallllly anticipate school will resume tomo!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

snow day!

Well sort of. My mom is going to pick Gabi up from school now (10:30) because road conditions are rapidly deteriorating. They haven't officially called off school yet, but I'm pulling the "we have a long communte" card. Already over 1 1/4" here and when I went outside to measure a few minutes ago I could hear sleet or ice coming down with the snow. The new house is fully dried in, thank you, Mother Nature, for waiting! :D